Lindy Fralin

Lindy Fralin Pickups craft boutique, hand-made guitar pickups. Lindy's journey began in the early 1990s, driven by his dissatisfaction with commercially available pickups. Armed with a homemade winding machine, he meticulously hand-wound pickups and tirelessly experimented. The resulting product caught the attention of guitar players who sought the same exceptional sound for their instruments. This led him to establish Lindy Fralin Pickups: a company that now employs 6 people and ships pickups worldwide. Lindy Fralin’s handmade process allows them to ensure quality from the ground up: from the bobbin to the winding machine, and from assembly to the wax bath! As a trusted Canadian dealer for Lindy Fralin, Electric Mojo brings you these extraordinary pickups. Discover what you've been missing!

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